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Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Take me to your.....light

This is the home where the ranger lives!  His neighbor keeps him illuminated.


Met Mr. "Raleigh" and his precious wife(made me think of Jackie Kennedy) at the Ocracoke lighthouse.  Approaching with a big smile and booming voice (looked like a cross between Lorne Greene & Marcus Welby), looks at Nate and I and says "You know the song?" My "huh" responds.  He says, more emphatically, "the song, the song" I flash my deer-lighted almonds and he sings out "Jesus is the lighthouse" a lil out of tune.  His wife smiles.  I recognized and laughed my, "yes" and agreed the meaning.  We chatted in the wind.  He was a retired DOT supervisor.  She had urged him here.  He told me about the ponies down the road and that they had currelled them.  I think "currelled" after he said it three times (the charm, I guess) I got it -- corralled -- loved his "Raleigh-drawal" just a little western southerly than mine, just enough to keep my ears on their toes.  As I sifted through this gentleman's laid back dialogue we walked and talked.  As we parted at the end of the walkway the "Raleighs" bid us safe travels.  As I stomped the sand from my shoes I yelled back, "if we do not meet again, we'll see y'all in eternity" assurances passed between us as if all our spirits connected in the ocean's breeze. 
I sit now and smile knowing I will hear Mr. Raleigh's booming voice again in key beneath the beacon we long for -- 'twill be a perfect Fresnel lens. 

Mr. Raleigh, enjoy, 'til I see you again:

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